Today they celebrated Tyler's 3.5 year birthday at school. We brought in cupcakes, Mike surprised Tyler and was the "Mystery Storyteller" and Mia and I hung out for his entire class and helped out. Well I helped out and Miss Mia, who thinks she is a preschooler, caused mischief. She had to be doing everything they were doing especially when it meant sitting at the table eating a cupcake and drinking juice from a cup. Tyler was so sweet and well-behaved. He got to wear a birthday crown and everyone sang him happy birthday. It was really neat to meet everyone in his class and see what they do every Tuesday and Thursday. I am in awe of his teacher and how those kids listen. She says, "time to clean up" and literally it looks like 14 elves scurrying around the room cleaning up as fast they can and with a good attitude.
If you look to the left of Tyler at the table, you will see little Mia.
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