Tyler is a morning person. Come 5:30 am, he is ready to roll. Mia, not so much. She would probably sleep until after 7:00 if it wasn't for Tyler talking so loud or turning on every light in the house but many mornings she ends up waking up at 6:00 or 6:30 and she will not even look at you until you she has sat and had her bottle. So most mornings, while I am getting ready, Mia and Tyler lay in my bedroom watching Franklin. And usually, Tyler's pjamas match. Mike must have gotten him dressed last night.
1 comment:
As I read your blog I am amazed at that our children are so alike! My Tyler is also up WAY TOO early everyday and poor Emma just wants to be left alone. He is ready for breakfast the second he is out of bed...she will have a little milk but doesn't want to eat until around 8.
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