Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Ty!

(how is it that men keep getting better looking as they age while women go downhill so quickly - speaking for myself :-))

Tyler turned 4 today - June 11. It was pretty much his day. We went to the JumpZone, ate McDonalds, Daddy came home early and we opened gifts, went out to dinner, saw the sweetest German Shepherd puppy(didn't get her but wanted to), came home and played outside and had a cake. Next weekend we will have a family party but Tyler wasn't that interested in a "kids" party so we'll wait until next year. He got stomp-it rocket (great gift for a 4 year old boy) the Bolt soundtracks, a personalized Backyardigans t-shirt and a new bike and "honk" - which we will be getting soon.

My sweet Tyler is not a baby anymore and that makes me so sad. We watched the video from the day he was born and I can't even remember him being so little. I can barely carry him anymore. He has such a good heart, LOVES animals, being outside, and I truly think his love language is quality time. He always want to just sit with me. We could be doing nothing just sitting around chatting. He loves Mia so much but they are becoming more sibling-like. He is so smart and can do puzzles like a pro. He just loves spending time with Daddy. Another year gone but so much to look forward to. We love you so much Ty!

I made a dirt cake with gummy worms. That was a big hit.

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