Sunday, March 22, 2009

Out of Tyler's Mouth

Me: Tyler did you use good manners at Aunt Lori's house?
Tyler: Yep, I used one please and one thank you.


Me: Tyler, you need to go to bed
Tyler: But you and daddy are not sleeping
Me: Tyler, when you are a daddy you can stay up as late as you want
Tyler: How will I be a daddy?
Me: You will get married and your wife will have babies
Tyler: Where will I get a baby... Oh, I know.. At the baby store. It will be easiest if I just go and buy one.


Me: Ok, Tyler what are you going to tell Mrs. Rickel when she asks you about your show and tell. (It is a little fish, Mike got Tyler when he was in Mexico last)
Tyler: I am going to tell her that my daddy got this for me when he was in Africa


Me: So what do you want for your birthday?
Tyler: A honk, a singing telegram, and a Backyardigans t-shirt
Me: What is a honk?
Tyler: You know, so that I can tell people to get out of my way when I am riding my bike
Me: You mean a bicycle horn
Tyler: yeah a honk!

(The singing telegram is from the backyardigans. The only tv show Tyler has any interest in these days)

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