Monday, January 7, 2013

Our Curriculum 2012 - 2013

We are about halfway through the year and I would say it's our best year yet. Overwhelming most days, exhausting all days but the kids are learning and it's a magnificent thing to watch. We are doing 2 solid days at Homeschool University. Those are the two days that I get to work out, run errands, do laundry, prep school for the rest of the week, work and once in a great moon, meet a friend for lunch. And that's okay with me for now. The time I get to spend with the kids is fleeting. The weeks go by so fast. It's a collaborative effort between their school and the parents to develop a curriculum that works for each student. Here is what we are doing this year.

Kindergarten - Mia
All About Reading
All About Spelling 1
Explode the Code - done with book 1, starting book 2
Handwriting Without Tears K
Math U See Primer and Horizons K Math - still deciding which one to stick with
My Father's World K / Unit Studies
Tag along with Tyler for Story of the World Ancients and Apologia Science Bottany and Astronomy
Reading through Old Testament

Dance Jazz and Hiphop
Horseback Riding
Art Classes
PE Class

2nd Grade - Tyler
First Language Lessons 2
Writing with Ease 2
All About Spelling 3
Horizons Math 2
Handwriting Without Tears 2 and Draw Write Now
Apologia Science Botany and Astronomy

Story of the World Ancients and Mystery of History 1
Reading Comprehension
Unit Studies
Reading through Old Testament

Young Explorers
Math Fun
Gymnastics transitioning to Strength and Conditioning
Art Classes

PE Class

So now it's quite clear to me why I am so tired by the end of the week.

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