Wednesday, January 7, 2009

December 24 - PM

We started off the Christmas festivities tonight at our house with Mike's family. It was chaotic but less chaotic than last year so I see that as improvement. The kids actually took turns opening their gifts one at a time and ended up having a couple of hours as a family to simply sit around and enjoy drinks and appetizers. Of course we knew things were going to well when we had both kids in bed by 7pm. Tyler actually left the party went upstairs and put himself to bed because he was worried Santa wouldn't come if he didn't get to bed. Well it turned out Mia ate too many cookies and ended up with a bad tummyache that kept her, me and Mike awake until 11pm with an unrelenting cryfest that almost ended up in an emergency room visit because we could not figure out why she was so hysterical for four hours. It was one of those nights where I actually undressed her to check and see if something was poking her or she had a broken bone or appendicitis and then finally sweet silence over the monitor... That was my Christmas present..

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