Thursday, January 22, 2009

January 10

Tyler has been obsessed with Legos since our trip to Legoland. Mia is obsessed with knocking them down - not a good combination. The weather has just been downright miserable so we have had lots of time to play inside and see how high of a tower can we build before Godzilla knocks it down. Mia is starting to talk more. She says more than I can understand but started singing "Row Row Your Boat" out of nowhere. Tyler was like 2 1/2 before he sang anything so I was shocked. It's very cute because she can't sing unless she rocks her body side-to-side. Both of them are very into the Backyardigans and sing and dance around the room when it is on the television. Tyler knows all the hand motions to their songs and things the entire room is his stage.
Mia is still very shy, much more so than Tyler was at this point and it takes her a long time to warm up to people. My neighbor babysat the other day and Mia stood facing the corner of the kitchen cabinets until Tyler woke up from his nap. She loves toothbrushes but still only has 4 teeth. She also loves shoes and her princess snow boots. She hates coats and getting dressed unless it is princess clothes. She loves coloring, Tyler did not like coloring and still doesn't. Mia will scribble on anything (including walls, doors and clothes) Mia loves to read. She will sit in her room and look at every page of every book on her bookcase and will sit on my lap and read for hours. Tyler loves puzzles. He is so good at them. The other day I bought him a 50 piece robot puzzle at the Target dollar spot and he put the entire puzzle together by himself in the time it took me to put the groceries away.

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