Tuesday, November 20, 2007

November 20 - Talking Turkey

So it dawned on me the other day that Tyler thinks "the Turkey" we keep talking about is a character like the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus. We never really eat turkey during the rest of the year so he doesn't think about it like chicken or meat. He thinks "the Turkey" is coming to visit us on Thanksgiving. When you ask him who is coming to our house on Thanksgiving, he lists all the relatives and "the Turkey". He found a bag of bread stuffing in the pantry and thinks it is food for the turkey. It's these kind of statements that always stump me as a parent. Do I even try to explain what stuffing is and that we are going to be eating the turkey not visiting with it? Or, do I just let it lie and see if he just figures it out on his own. It will be interesting when we go to the butcher tomorrow to pick up the turkey. I think it's going to be a little disappointing..
The picture of Tyler and the dog and is our neighbor's dog. No we did not lose our minds and get Tyler a dog. We have been walking the dog at lunch time while my neighbor is traveling. This gives Tyler his doggy fix and I get to leave the muddy dog at his home at the end of the walk..

Tree decorating went better than pumpkin carving. Tyler loves standing on the chair or step stool and helping mommy and daddy. There are two characters named Dora and Diego. If you have spent any time with Tyler in the last year you know all about them. Dora and Diego are explorers and go on all kinds of rescue missions. Anyway, they have all kinds of tools that help them on their excursions. So one of Tyler's favorite phrases is "I know! step stool will help us." or "Don't worry, sticky tape will help us mommy." Anything that breaks can be fixed with sticky tape..

Most frightening thing heard over the baby monitor this week: "Don't worry Mia, Ty will carry you down the steps."

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