Tuesday, November 6, 2007

November 6 - Growing Up Too Fast

I remember when Tyler was a baby I was always so anxious for him to hit all his milestones but with Mia it is a completely different story. Mike and I are pretty certain that we are done having babies so the time can't go slow enough for me. I was telling one of my closest friends, Heather, that I could just hold Mia all day and all night and never grow tired of it. I have kept Mia in the bassinet, beside my bed, as long as possible but when I came in to get her after her nap yesterday she had pulled herself up and was peeking out the side. So that's the end of that. I don't know how she is so strong but she has been holding her head up since the day she was born and when you hold her she just has such a grip and you can feel how strong all her muscles are. ..It is gut-wrenching for me to have her sleep in her crib and her room is literally just steps from my bed. I am having a hard letting her grow up and she only 3 months old, can you imagine what it is going to be like when she wants to start dating? Between having Tyler as a big brother and Mike and I as parents she is going to go crazy. Anyway, she is already trying to sit up. If I sit her up she will put her arms down in front of her to hold herself up. Tyler always likes to be part of the picture as you can tell.

I had two wonderful moments with Tyler today. We were playing with blocks and doing puzzles and he came over to me, gave me a big hug and said, "I love you, Mom." Just a spontaneous I love you. And then we had finished dinner and were reading books and Tyler says to me, "let's pray." Tyler has a really cute way of praying, where he bows his head and covers his eyes. So we prayed for daddy, who is in San Diego all week and we prayed for Mia and Draddy (Tyler's name for both grandmas) and ended with a big "Amen!"WOW! Those are the kind of moments that just make you realize how you love your kids more and more with each passing day - an irrational and unexplainable love, a kind of love that they will never be able to understand until they are parents..

1 comment:

kristin bustamante said...

I can't get over how much Mia looks like Mike!