Sunday, November 4, 2007

November 3-4

It was a beautiful Autumn weekend. We live about 2 minutes from a nature trail so we have been taking the kids on walks to look for leaves, caterpillars, squirrels - when you are two years old everything is fascinating so these walks are usually short in distance and long in time. It take us forever to get ready now that we have two kids. It felt downright cold out so I dressed Mia in a onesie, fleece sleeper, coat with hood, hat, covered her with a blanket and slathered her face with Aquaphor. This is my first time having a baby in a cold weather climate and I am always cold so this seemed appropriate. We got in the car and looked at the thermometer and it was 50 degrees. So my question is, what the heck am I going to dress her in when it is -35 windchill? I literally can hardly get her in the carseat and she can't move her body she is so bundled up. This winter should be interesting..

I am convinced Tyler is going to be a professional athlete. You are probably thinking that I am one of those parents boasting of my child's superior athletic abilities at a young age but no my prediction is based on Tyler speaking about himself in the third person such as: "Mommy, Ty will do it." or "Ty will sing the song, not mommy," or as I heard today while I was nursing Mia, after a disturbing amount of silence . "Ty is helping mommy cut Maria's toe nails." Now if that won't get you off the couch in a hurry, I don't know what will. Thankfully, we really do have the most mellow cat ever. Tyler had her pinned down on the steps and was attempting to cut her back nails with his nail clippers and she was just calmly sitting there wagging her tail.

My last musing for the evening - "Do you think the person who invented Daylight Savings Time had children." Mike and I don't think so. "Falling Back" is a cruel joke played on parents around the United States (except for Arizona). There was no extra hour of sleep last night for us. In fact, I kept Tyler up an extra hour and he still woke up at 6am and Mia woke up at 5am. The three of us sat on the couch, a bleary-eyed mother and two little ones who didn't get the notice that this weekend had arbitrarily been chosen as the morning to sleep an extra hour, watching the news anchor giddily extol the extra hour of sleep the rest of the population was enjoying..

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