Sunday, January 27, 2008

January 26 - 27


It this the look of success of what?! Today (Sunday) is day 5 of potty training and I have to say that Mike and I are amazed at how easy this has been. I cringe even writing those words because I know everything could fall apart at anytime but so far, Tyler has had two accidents in the last five days and both times immediately caught his mistake and ran to the potty and finished going. We went out yesterday to buy big boy underwear and after a very thorough analysis of all the choices, Tyler chose Cars and Diego underwear. He made it through the entire trip to Target and a furniture store with no accidents and woke up dry from nap time today. For those of you who have recently been potty training a child, you know these are HUGE steps. He is very enthusiastic and just goes to the bathroom now by himself whenever he needs to. So, this week the plan is to start leaving our cocoon a little bit at a time and see how things go. If anyone if embarking on potty training, I cannot stress how important the right potty seat is especially for boys. I highly recommend the Baby Bjorn potty chair. We have one upstairs and I just ordered another one for downstairs. We have tried other potties and just ended up with a mess on our hands.

We didn't do too much this weekend. Everyone needed a little downtime from the last 2 months of non-stop activity and it is still bitterly cold. Mike and I sat down and plotted our plan for getting stuff done in the house over the next couple of months, Tyler ran around the house in miscellaneous clothing items and Mia ate and slept - by far her favorite past times.

(I didn't know I was going to be in this picture)
In case you are wondering, I think Mia's nose is turning orange because she eats so such sweet potatoes, carrots and squash. (Sarah, remember when that happened to your Tyler?)


Heather Plis said...

Oh the right potty seat indeed! However what is my experience whether you have a boy or girl it doesn't matter. The bjorn is still tops! Haley used to like to watch as the stream of pee would come out which then turned into projectile pee, but with that potty seat the little deflector helped save us from many a mess!

Sarah said...

Some day my Tyler too will be potty trained! I just hope he wakes up with the same gumption that your Tyler had. I love Miss Mia's orange nose.