Wednesday, January 30, 2008

January 28 - 30

We have spent most of the week at home again not due to illness just due to horribly cold weather and 50 mile per hour windgusts. Usually this much time home alone with the kids would drive me batty but lately I have such a sense of peace it's scary. I think it is partly because Mike and I have for sure determined that our family is complete and I just keep reflecting on wanting to cherish these precious moments with my babies. My very wise Aunt Linnie once told me, "The time you spend at home when you have little kids will be composed of the longest days and the fastest years." I also think it's due to my renewed discpline in prayer and that always gets me centered again. Good stuff going on in my spirit these days...

Anyway, my main goal right now (since we seemed to have aced potty training) is to get Tyler into a decent preschool so I am touring schools this week and next. And if you can believe it, I have to set my alarm and wake up at midnight Monday morning to try and get him enrolled at the school that is our first choice. It's crazy how competitive the preschool enrollment process is and I am behind the eight ball because of the Arizona trip. Did I mention that this is for preschool that starts in the fall? You have to apply for preschool earlier in the year than you have to apply for college. I am trying to keep it in perspective. He is only three but when you talk to all the other panicked mommies you, it's hard to not get caught up in the madness.

Mia has started to eat Gerber fruit puffs (these are little rice puffs that dissolve in babies' mouths even easier than a cheerio). This has opened up a whole new world of interaction between Tyler and Mia. Tyler thinks it is wonderful that he can now feed Mia and Mia loves to eat so as long as Tyler keeps shoveling them in her mouth (under supervision of course) she will keep opening her mouth like a little baby bird. Tyler would not be good in charge of feeding a goldfish, he would overfeed it to death.

Got to love Tyler's outfit - a pirate costume complete with Spiderman underwear.

Tyler feeding Mia (and himself) Gerber fruit puffs.

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