Thursday, February 28, 2008

February 22-28

Well I have not had much to post this last week because Tyler and I have been sick and pretty much homebound. We are still coughing and now it seems like poor little Mia has finally succumbed. Needless to say, I will be going to bed right after I post this because it might be a long night.

We are still having snow and cold weather with more snow on the way. This is the endless winter. We have had a good time these past few days in spite of not feeling too great. Mike and I started painting the inside of the house last weekend so I am working on that a little bit each day and Tyler has been "helping" me clean out closets and cook. We have baked muffins, cookies and made baby food for Mia. We have played every game, done every puzzle, painted, colored, done crafts and workbooks, played computer games, built forts, used Mommy's bathtub as a swimming pool and acted out countless animal rescues. Mia just likes to watch her crazy brother. But she been up to tricks of her own, her greatest new feat is clapping. She just did it accidentally but caught on once I started cheering her on. Tyler is trying to teach her to talk. "Mia, say 'Mamma', say 'Dada', say 'Ty-Ty"." He is really good with her for the most part except trying to pick her up and today he fed her a grape. Yeah, that almost gave me a heart attack. I looked over at her and she is giving me this very weird expression and I see that she has something in her mouth. Thank goodness I was able to easily fish it out. Tyler talked to Mike and Grammy C on the phone right after it happened and said, "Don't feed Mia grapes. She is too little." So hopefully the message got through. It is confusing for him because I am always stressing sharing and then I say, "But you can't share grapes!" I can see the little wheels in his mind working but I am the first to admit it's hard to for a 2-year old to grasp what a baby can and can't have.

If you give a baby a banana... She will smear it all over herself (from head to toe), all over her highchair, all over the floor and you will still find banana 12 hours later when you give her a bath.

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