Tuesday, March 4, 2008

February 29 - March 4

And we are still homebound..

I finally bit the bullet on Friday and took the kids to the doctor. It's not that I have anything against taking the kids to the doctor. It is just such a cesspool of germs that I feel like every time we go they end up worse off than they were to begin with. Anyway, Tyler had an ear and sinus infection and his ear tube was completely blocked so he was sent home with antibiotics and at this point was Mia was sick but it seemed like it was just a cold. She had fluid in both ears but not infected. However, the dr says to me, "I am sure we will see you back next week ." Great words of hope and encouragement, Doc. Now it's important to note that Tyler is very tough. Nothing bothers him. I think if he was really into playing and he broke his leg, he would just keep playing until he was paralyzed in pain but he is sensitive about his ears. I assume because of all the infections and the ear drops have been a nightmare. The first two days were the worst but he was literally hysterical. It was just awful to have to pin him down and put these drops in his ears because he just screamed and screamed. So Easter Bunny had to come and visit a little early and drop off some special Easter eggs for good little boys who get their ear drops. This is working better. He still shrinks back in terror when he sees me coming with the ear drops but he is at least not screaming at the top of his lungs..
Now I come to our little drama queen. Mia got worse all weekend culminating in a horrific scene Sunday night. She was just inconsolable Sunday evening. She would just look at me and bawl her eyes out nothing relaxed her, nothing soothed her. We tried every medicine and contemplated taking her to the emergency room in case she had a blown ear drum or something (that is seriously how bad the crying was). Finally, Daddy to the rescue. Here is Mia and Daddy watching Wedding Crashers together.. The Magic Touch I guess.

So Monday morning I took her to the Peds again and she has RSV and an ear infection. She is wheezing and has compromised lung function so she is on breathing treatments every four hours and really isn't sleeping much but I think she is improving. Please include her in your prayers. So needless to say, we are still homebound. Probably until at least Friday when she goes to the doctor's again. Here are some pictures of Tyler, our little computer prodigy. He has learned how to use the touchpad and drag and drop so he is like a little wizard on the computer now.

Tyler helping Daddy paint!

On Sunday night, we were saying our prayers at dinner and as usual we asked Tyler who he wanted to pray for and he said, "Mia." So we prayed for Mia and then ended our prayer with Amen. Tyler says to me, "What does Amen mean?" "Why do we say Amen?" So he has started asking us why this, why that but this was the first one where I was like - oh no, here we go. Mike says to me, "You better get busy learning this kind of stuff!" We googled it and I think I gave him a satisfactory answer.. for the time being at least.. Stumped by a two-year old.

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