Sunday, April 20, 2008

April 17

Today was another beautiful spring day so we took a drive over to Grammy and Papa Posch's house to play and have tea. Tyler LOVES going to Grammy's house because there is always a little treat hidden for him in the drawer in her desk. (There are many reasons why he loves Grammy but this has a cute little story to it.) One day Tyler discovered, as only Tyler would, that Grammy had a drawer in her desk that she kept candy in for when the grandkids visit. Well Grammy had to find a new hiding place because every time we would go over Tyler would remember the drawer and start gorging on candy so now there is just one (or maybe two) little treats waiting for him to discover. That is a actually fruit Tyler is eating with a toothpick, one of those little things you do with Tyler once and now that is the only way he will eat fruit at Grammy's house.
Maria hearts Mia.
We have a cat named Maria who loves people. You have never seen a cat like this. As I write this she is sitting next to Mike meowing because she wants him to pet her. The strange part is that she will greet perfect strangers in this same way. Well anyway she loves Mia. (By the way, I didn't realize how similar their names were until very recently when I tried to say their names in the same sentence.) Anyway, I digress. Maria will seek our Mia and lay down next to her wagging her tail. Mia thinks Maria is just the most wonderful toy. She smiles and giggles, lays on top of her, pulls her tail, tried to eat her fur and yank on her whiskers and the entire time Maria just lays there wagging her tail and meowing contentedly.

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