Monday, April 7, 2008

April 2

Mia is crawling everywhere but her sole purpose is to crawl to something that she can use to pull herself up. So far she hasn't had too many problems with toppling over but I am out of practice in childproofing. I forgot that crawling babies should be used as police search dogs. She can find the littlest speck of dirt or crumb or sticker and it inevitably ends up right in her mouth. We were at the doctor's on Monday (another double ear infection) and the dr is looking down her throat and says to me, "Oh, she has the paper from the exam table balled up in her cheek." I looked like the mother who had no idea what my child was into and Mia is just sitting there smiling while I am trying to fish it out of her mouth.

Mia's eyes are turning green. Mike is a little bummed because neither child really looks like him but I told him well maybe they are going to look like me but have your intelligence and athletic ability.

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