Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April 7-14

No, I am not wearing Indian warpaint. I just had spaghetti for the first time!

What you can't see in this picture is that Mia is magnetically attracted to Mike's ac adapter for his notebook and will maneuver in whatever means necessary to find it.

When we first got our cats 4 years ago, they were only about 6 weeks old and we kept them in one of guest rooms until we were sure they knew how to use the litter box. Then we opened the door and each day they would venture a little farther until one night they made it all the way across the house and into our bed and that's where they have remained ever since. This is how Mia is with crawling. She has the capability to crawl anywhere she wants but she doesn't. Every day she gets a little braver. Finally, today she discovered that she could crawl into the dining room where Tyler has his train set and before I realized it she had destroyed the entire track system. Tyler didn't notice at first and then a little while later, I heard him in there saying, "What happened in here? What happened to my train set? Oh those naughty cats." I'll let him think that. I would rather him blame it on the cats than on Mia.
As you may or may not know, Tyler has strong opinions on hairstyles. The other morning, Mike brought Tyler into bed with us and Tyler looks over at me and says, "I don't like your hair like that. It is messy." Then later on, after I had my first cup of coffee and a shower, Tyler says, "I like you hair like it is now. I didn't like it this morning. Please don't wear it like that anymore." My mom told me that she loved when my brother was little because she could be dressed in her pajamas and not showered in three days and my brother would still say, "You look beautiful, Mom." Not around my house, I was laying on the floor with Tyler the other day and my shirt came up a little but and he says, "Mom, your tummy is big. Please cover it up." I swear to God, we do not talk like this so I don't know where he gets this from but it just cracks me up. I told him that he could say this to me but it's not nice to say it to anyone else.

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