Sunday, November 23, 2008

November 23 - Mia's Dedication

We had Mia dedicated today. Mike's family got up super early and drove over to our church so they could be there. Mia was a little big for a christening gown but I just love the dress I ended up getting her. She looked like a little princess and Tyler looked so handsome. It was a crazy morning but somehow we got everyone dressed, hair combed and out the door on time. We had to go on stage as a family and I was just a little apprehensive but both kids did beautifully. Right before we were ready to go on stage, Tyler says to me, "Mommy, Mia can't go on stage yet she doesn't know how to sing." I told him that would be okay and that he shouldn't sing either just stand very quietly. And, for the ultimate threat, I can't believe I said it but I did, "Tyler, be very good, hold my hand, stand quietly. God is watching." It worked. I guess I will just keep that one in my back pocket for emergencies. After church, we went to a Champagne brunch at a local resort. The band serenaded Mia, who kept her arms wrapped around me so tighty she could have withstood a hurricance force wind gale. She was so tired by the time the festivities were over that she feel asleep in the car and slept until almost 4:00 pm

1 comment:

Sarah said...

OMG she is BEAUTIFUL! He is awfully darn cute too!=)