Sunday, November 30, 2008

November 29

Today was Mike and my 6 year anniversary! We couldn't even figure out it was number 6, our brains are like mush after having the two kids. We decided just to stay home and have surf and turf after the kids went to sleep so to give Mike a little break because that's what good wives do on anniversaries. I took the kids to McDonalds for dinner and to an electric parade. If you don't know what an electric parade is don't feel bad. We didn't either. It's a parade after dark and all the floats and cars are lit up with thousands of lights. It was relatively warm but I still had to bundles them up which in Mia's case means the dreaded snowsuit and aquaphor all over their faces to prevent windburn (the joys of living in Chicago). The parade was great but it was crowded and hard to see and it's hard to hold two kids that are like giant cotton balls while trying to take pictures, carry a purse, watch the stroller and make sure Mia's mittens and boots don't fall off in the dark. Thus the absence of any pictures of the actual parade.

After we put the kids to sleep, Mike and I had a wonderful dinner. There are few people as blessed as we are. Getting to spend your life with your soulmate and best friend and having two healthy kids is more than either of us every dreamed of. Happy anniversary sweetie!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Happy Anniversary!