Friday, March 14, 2008

The Battle of Wills

If you have a strong-willed 2-year old, you can relate to the ongoing battle of wills. While I was feeding Mia lunch, Tyler decided he wanted some attention so he dumped a box containing a thousand foam pieces, that we use for crafts, on the kitchen floor. This is not the first time he has done this but I am trying to make it the last. He did this about an hour before his nap and I told him that until he picks up every last piece, he will not play outside, he will not watch any tv and he will not go to the library this afternoon. The pieces are still on the floor. He just walks around them like they aren't there. So we will see what happens when he wakes up from his nap but I can tell you that I am not picking them up so we will see..

Stay tuned...

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