Friday, March 21, 2008

March 20

Officially a Crawler!

Well Mia has been experimenting with crawling for quite awhile but today the technique just all came together and she crawled out of her bathroom, through her bedroom and was out in the hall in about 10 seconds. I don't think I will be getting much accomplished in the near future. This opens up a whole new world of trouble for her to get into. She can now reach all of Tyler's miniature toys and she is an expert at finding cords and little specs of who-knows-what on the floor. Before I could sit her somewhere and know she would be there when I returned. Now I turn my back for a second and I can't find her. The second picture is of her playing peek-a-boo. She will hold a pillowcase up over her face and wait for me to say, "Where is Mia?" and then she will drop it down and wait for me to say, "Peek-a-boo!" She loves to do this after bathtime with her towel while I am putting her lotion on.

Tyler is quite the helper in keeping things from Mia. Today she had a magazine and he said, "No, no Mia. You are too little to read magazines. Here is toy you can put in your mouth. I will put this away. Ok, Mia?"

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