Thursday, March 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today was Mike's 38th birthday. He had an early meeting at the house so I took the kids shopping to get decorations and food for dinner and then Tyler and I decorated with streamers, balloons and of course a Dora tablecloth and Diego party hats - just what Daddy always dreamed of for his birthday! Actually, I think Mike had a pretty great birthday. Tyler just kept singing Happy Birthday to him and telling him what we had planned. It's fun now that Ty really gets into it. (In the background, you can see our paint selection process on the walls.)

Mia trying cheesecake for the first time. She was so tired by this point though I think she was just placating us.

Here is Tyler with Magee, our surrogate puppy. He is actually our neighbor's puppy. I take Tyler over and they tire each other out. Neither minds getting dirty or romping in the mud. Thank goodness for Crocs!!!

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