Sunday, May 4, 2008

May 1

Mia is 9 Months Old!

Oh, this year is going much too fast. Mia turned 9 months old today, which also happens to be Grammy Collins' birthday and May Day. In case you were wondering what May Day is (I didn't know). Here is what Wikipedia says, May Day occurs on May 1 and refers to any of several public holidays. In many countries, May Day is synonymous with International Workers' Day, or Labour Day, which celebrates the social and economic achievements of the labour movement. As a day of celebration the holiday has ancient origins, and it can relate to many customs that have survived into modern times. Many of these customs are due to May Day being a cross-quarter day, meaning that (in the Northern Hemisphere where it is almost exclusively celebrated) it falls approximately halfway between the spring equinox and summer solstice. Very interesting..
Anyway, Mia is still our little peanut. She was 26" (20th percentile) and 19lbs (50th percentile). She still has the chubby rolls going on. It's the only time in her life where it will be considered cute to be chubby so I say, "Enjoy it while you can Mia!" In comparison, Tyler was 4 inches taller and 3lbs heavier at his 9 month appointment. If she continues growing at this rate, she will be about 5 feet tall. Which is fine for a girl but thank goodness it's her not Tyler!

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