Monday, June 30, 2008

Almost Walking

Mia is really so close to walking. With Tyler it all happened so suddenly. He took one step in the morning and by the afternoon, he was walking. Mia tends to do things her own way and will take a couple of steps and then nothing for the rest of the day. I am not pushing because I know this will make my life a little more complicated (ok, a LOT more complicated but I am not going to dwell on that). Tyler is just so excited with the new possibilities this opens up and is constantly trying to help her walk. It is very cute. It is so interesting to me to watch their interactions. One second Tyler will be hugging her and kissing her and then the next second pushing her to the ground because she took one his toys. Mia is starting to get a little frustrated with those chain of events and will bite Tyler but without teeth it is of no consequence but his time is coming.

We almost had our second ER visit this weekend. Tyler was running in the yard in his bare feet and stepped on a rusty nail that went deep into his foot - probably about an inch or more. It was bent and actually went up into the insole of his foot. Thank the Lord, Mike was home this time and he very quickly pulled it out which could have been a bad thing if the nail was imbedded in something important but by God's blessing alone it wasn't and pulling it out quickly saved a lot of trauma. I just can't even imagine if we had to take him to the ER with it still in his foot. After a phone call to the ER, they told us what to watch for over the next 24 hours and I think we are in the clear. When Tyler woke up from his afternoon nap and I asked him how he was he said, "I am ok but I think i would feel better if I had ice cream."
Here is a picture of the nail.
P.S. Can you tell the kids have my skin tone?! We wear SPF 45 and still they are little brown bears.

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