Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 11

The Official Birthday

Today was Tyler's official 3rd birthday. Since the big hoopla was on Saturday, we just had a low-key day. We went swimming, had pizza for dinner (which was Tyler's favorite food until he has recently begun protesting even the smallest strand of cheese contaminating his piece) and then opened a couple of gifts. At the last moment, Mike decided that a playground wasn't enough and made an emergency trip to Dick's at lunchtime. (I just have to interject - for when Tyler is reading this years from now - that Mike had just lectured me on not spoiling Tyler with too many gifts)

Tyler is now the proud owner of authentic golf clubs sized for a three year old. Tyler has found his dad's weak spot - anything that has to do with sports. We won't tell Mike that I caught Tyler whacking the golf clubs off the cement later in the week or that I am afraid he is going to wield them as weapons or accidentally whack Mia in the head with a club or ball. I'll be supportive and foster Tyler's athletic abilities.

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