Thursday, June 12, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Things I Have Learned From My Dad

Don't sweat the small stuff.

Relationships are always more important than things.

How to change a tire. (In fact, I think he has probably shown me about 5 times and I still could not change a tire for a million bucks.)

Homemade and handmade are always better than Made in China.

If you get a traffic ticket, get in a car accident or have someone passed out in your garage, it is always best to tell Dad and let him tell Mom.

You can never tell your kids you love them too many times

Don't ever put liquid dish soap in your SCUBA mask, although it does make for spectacular special effects.

When you get lost in Pittsburgh, call Tom Collins. He can identify any place in the city just by the tree on the corner of the street or the names of dumpy store with bars on the windows or any other minute detail you may have.

Family vacations create memories that will last a lifetime.

Expect each of your kids to move at least ten times in sub-zero temperatures or blazing heat, expect to help.

Weekends are family time.

Every child needs a dog. Every child does not need a bird, hermit crab, etc but if you child's fish gets sick, do the right thing and drive the fish to pet store at 8pm for diagnostics.

One of the sweetest pleasures in life is walking on the beach, and then laying at the pool with a cold drink in one hand and a book in the other.

When you can't figure out something works in your house or why something is leaking or making a weird noise, call Dad. More than likely he will know.

Be nice to you kids' friends and significant others even if you don't really like them. Chances are they will discover their flaws in their own time.

There will be things in your life you don't enjoy. Do those things first so you have more time for the things you do enjoy. (This also pertains to eating. If you don't like carrots and milk, eat and drink them first to get it out of the way.)

Never take for granted a sunny day. There are not enough of them.

Smooshed hamburger buns make the best grilled cheese.

There is nothing better than a chocolate glazed doughnut on a Saturday morning.

Real men aren't afraid to put pigtails in their daughter's hair.

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

All my love,


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