Monday, June 2, 2008

May 30

New Car Day!

This day has been a long time in coming but we finally got a new car to replace Mike's ancient Honda. It really was on it's last legs and we figured it had only days left. So Mike surprised me this afternoon with a new GMC Acadia and he is going to take my Jeep. I actually feel a tad guilty about this but this car is much easier with the kids and safer for them. Tyler is just in awe. When he got in and sat in his seat he said, "Wow, this is like an airplane!" Maybe like the private plane Mike used to take to work but not really like flying commercial so I am not sure why he thought of that but he keeps asking to go for a ride in the new car. He is not going to be so happy when I don't let him eat it in but for now he is excited but not near as excited as Mommy!

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