Sunday, June 8, 2008

June 7 - Party Time!

We had a great party. Iffy weather but the rain held off long enough for the kids to do the treasure hunt and play in the pool. Tyler literally jumped in the pool about 7 times with his clothes on. At some point we ran out of clothes and just gave up. He was running around in his wet underwear riding his new Jeep Wrangler in the fields. Our friends were joking how much we have changed since we moved to the "country." Tyler probably drank about 6 juice boxes (a major treat in our house) and ate enough candy to rot every one of his twenty teeth. The kids really had fun with the squirt guns. Jen and I decided that there is probably nothing sweeter in life than watching three year olds chasing each other around and giggling with pure joy. Mia's the last little one so everyone passed her back and forth and got their "baby-fix". My mom bought Mia this darling dress in January and this was our first opportunity to wear it.

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